
If you have found your way to this site, I want to welcome you.  I in no way have the piano studio life all figured out, but I will share with you what I have.  I have always been a generator of ideas.  Some have become long-term solutions in my studio while others were just stepping stones to longer-term solutions.

I feel like there is sometimes a lack of understanding about how larger studios work.  It is not a situation where you can apply policies and organizational solutions from a smaller studio and keep moving forward.  You definitely cannot keep everything in your head anymore or call people individually for every communication.  

And planning of any type is burdensome…recitals, rep, skills/scales tracking, assignments, and theory resources.  I hope this blog will provide resources that will take a load off by giving you a tool box of tools at hand to help you build the studio of your dreams.

About me

I am a full time piano teacher in central Mississippi.  I love working from home and making my own way.  My teaching style is quite eclectic, and I have probably used about every curriculum known to man and love teaching with games.  I spend a lot of brain power trying to think of unique ways to teach a concept so that it will actually stick.

In my free time  you can find me in the garden, on a hiking trail, or cuddled up with a cat and a good book.

Simple I-V Harmonizations
This is the time of the year that I have all the balls in the air that I’m frantically trying not...
Composition Brainstorm
I have struggled over the years getting students to come up with the most simplistic composition.  Making...
Wipe Off Terms
A couple of years ago, I was prepping some students for our local MTNA evaluations.  They understood...
Bananas Camp
Summer Scheduling Scenarios
If you are a year round teacher like I am or you want to make this a requirement in your studio, it is...
Inspired by Over the Edge
Many years ago I was a regular visitor to the Pianimation.com blog which is unfortunately no longer active...
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Mapping Out the Year
What to do…..what to do….. I know there are loads of ideas out there to help teachers map...
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Make your registration easier
I know it is only March, but it is time to begin thinking about  year end celebrations and beginning...
On the Hunt for Themes and Variations
Our local music teacher’s association has their yearly evaluations in the spring, and in my years...
First Piano Recital
More Introductions
Like many piano teachers. I began my journey as a part time teacher. I had left the world of commercial...
It's Me! Hi!
I am often overwhelmed.…mostly with sifting through the ideas in my head. I want to be Efficient. Creative....

Contact Me

I would love to hear from you.  Please fill out the form below, and I will get back to you shortly.

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