Inspired by Over the Edge

Many years ago I was a regular visitor to the blog which is unfortunately no longer active in its former state.   One of the absolute favorite games in my studio continues to be her Over the Edge Game which had 2 versions…one tested note values while the other set of flashcards were dedicated to intervals.


The object of the game is to take turns turning over a card, figuring out the note values, and adding that many flat marbles to your card.    The player who fills up their card first is the winner.  It is a productive way to spend 5 minutes, but for students, it is about the marbles.


To switch it up, I’m including downloads to two different options of this game.  One is a rock wall with climber, and the other features a garden path with stepping stones.  The cards are basic notes and rests plus ties and the dreaded dotted quarter eighth note combo.


I hope your students love these games as much as mine do!

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