It’s Me! Hi!

I am often overwhelmed.…mostly with sifting through the ideas in my head. I want to be Efficient. Creative. Extra. But I also want work/life balance. For years I have used the productivity of others to help me in my studio. There is definitely strength in numbers. Re-inventing the wheel is not efficient. At all. I didn’t create my first recital program in canva until I had used ALL my favorites on Compose Create. Some of the best games out there belong to Susan Paradis. She also has amazing general teaching resources.


When I began teaching 12+ years ago, I poured over the Music Matters and Color in my Piano blogs for ideas. There is nothing better than getting an inside look at a piano studio. How do they structure lessons? What does their teaching space look like? And all of these women are so RELATABLE.


With this blog, I would like to create a space in particular that addresses the unique needs of large studios. Speaking of overwhelmed…Just choosing recital pieces for 50+ students is a huge undertaking especially if you are going to allow your students a veto or two. Management systems are important for everything you do. Invoicing. Student management. Assignments. Skills Assessment. Book ordering. I am always looking for a more efficient way to do these things.


As this is my first blog post, I will add the disclaimer that I may become too overwhelmed to sort through the ideas floating through my head at the moment and continue on, but this is step one.

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